Gemini Snorkeling

Today was a different kind of day on the Gemini, we were experiencing Kona winds that make the leeward sides of the island which is normally very sunny and nice rather cloudy and windy. This made it so the conditions of dive spot that is normally gone to were less then ideal. Luckily for us our experienced Captain had a backup plan. We went to a reef off of Mala in the Lahaina area. There used to be a large pier there that was destroyed during the hurricane in 1992. Over the years since the piers collapse the coral reef has taken over the concrete debris and an entire thriving Eco system has developed here. The video below shows some snorkeling as well as some whale watching that we did on the way back from the dive site. Even with the less then ideal weather we still managed to have an amazing day!
-Jake Barefoot
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