Maui Sporting Clays
Today my Dad (Tom Barefoot) and I (Jake Barefoot) went out shooting with Maui Sporting Clays. This shooting range is located on the southern side of the island above Makena at the end of a long private road. The range is constructed in an ancient volcanic crater, with many stations spotted throughout the perimeter as well as in the center. I have limited shotgun shooting experience, mainly from shooting with my Uncles while visiting them in Texas. David the Owner of Maui Sporting Clays was able to help out my shooting technique and scores with some simple tips. When I started I was having trouble hitting one of the two clays that were thrown at a time and when I was done I was routinely hitting both clays in the pair.
-Jake Barefoot
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-Jake Barefoot
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When I started I was having trouble hitting one of the two clays that were thrown at a time and when I was done I was routinely hitting both clays in the pair. uber select alternative maui
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